Dozens of companies drop their discount deals with the NRA, and conservatives rail against the Florida sheriff who allegedly ignored warnings about the Parkland shooter.
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There’s 1 solution, banning guns totally.
Wow what the fuck is the point of the bit at the end? Who the hell admit to the world the first thing they thought when somebody is bleeding is 'it ruined the floor'???
What I think of when reflecting back on this is why nothing was done before this happened? He was posting stuff on social media about wanting to be a school shooter. He was posting all kinds of hints that he was up to something. He was reported. Cops have been to his house before, unrelated to the social media posts. Nothing was done, and this could have been stopped before it even happened.
Trump is more outraged by football players kneeling in protest than school shootings and gun laws…
No guns no gun violence.
The deputy probably had only a glock.
It's hard for me to judge the deputy as I don't know the whole story but the fact remains that people in America have Way Too Easy access to firearms. Come on America !! How many more people need to be killed or seriously hurt before you'll say 'Enough is Enough' ?!!!
Amazing. Some psychotic asshole who's been dangerous for years, is ignored by police, FBI and his own teachers, gets a gun, goes and kills 17 people, but it's the GUN'S fault, not HIS, not the shooter, not the INDIVIDUAL'S fault, it's the gun's fault. The gun MADE him go kill? The gun FORCED him to go on a murder spree? I would LOVE to hear what Svengali power these guns must have that when somebody uses them to commit a crime, they are not at fault whatsoever.
How does a frackkin teenager has an ar15 in the first place…like wtf!?
Stay safe = Stay out of Florida
If trump showed up in my high school and confronted the shooter I'd hide behind the shooter
I am a senior in high school and most of my teachers would thanos snap the school
2:56 oh please, since when do YOU know jack shit about caring for other people?
don't be ridiculous, trump can't run, he's got bonespurs
Guns seem accessible in the US like candies ?! ?
The only president that would run in with his bare hands and make that kid shoot himself with his own ar-15 is Putin.
5:16 Y'know we laugh, but there's absolutely no doubt that that's EXACTLY what he would say in that situation
Now they blame pelosi for this recent cop killed. So I blame them for every school shooting
Negro guns don't kill people.
I don't know how the people at Fox news can live with themselves.
I bet if the shooter was non-white that cop would’ve ran in there and killed him in less than a minute
Enjoy the post below…they hate America
The promise act from eric holder stopped enforcing the laws so the kids wouldN'T be ineligible for collage …HENCE THE cops not doing shit…the obama FBI KILLED YOUR FUCKING KIDS. WTF are these morons talking about… they think we are stupid and we are NOT!
I’ve never heard trump say that at the end. Disgusting.
People kill people not guns
The shooter didn't break the law until he went in to the school and started killing people there's nothing the sheriff Israel could have done
I know a school that checks bags every time u exit and enter the school
Really annoying for me cause my bag is hard to open, but you know, peace of mind
7:00 lost my shit and laughed my ass off for a good 5 min and then in sunk in that he's our president and suddenly stopped laughing. We're fucked
3:05 I don’t know what the context was, but it seems awfully out of character to have an Australian flag in the background.
Don't want kids to die in school Wear a condom
we got pens and pencils
I wouldn't be so sure about Malcom X though..
So conservatives are the Engineer from TF2. They are presented with an issue and they say "The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun."
Election Day is November 6th
UDA USA USA!??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Strange Americans and their behaviour, first arm every citizen with guns, then if someone shoots , cry about that, and then ask for more guns in the name of self defence. What a strange society you guys are making. Plain ludicrous.
You cant have mass shooting problem if people dont have guns, how difficult it is for americans to understand?? What is moroon of a country u all are
Instead of arming teachers with guns, we should give them a remote-controlled robot that looks like Trump and who just keeps on rambling about the Electoral College until the police arrive. Would be much more effective.
(BTW, this was sarcastic. We should actually impose stricter gun laws and stronger back ground checks)
Okay Spanky President Bone Spurs I think I'd run in there even if I didn't have a weapon
…somebody revive me when this s***'s over
Wouldn't Trump's bone spurs have prevented him from running anywhere?
the only time they even thought about having security guards at my school was when a shooting and bomb threat/rumors spread around my school. mind you they found bb guns in a kids locker. and they considered it then, but never actually went with it because money was tight. a year later they redid the whole school. still no security, just two new receptionists.
Security guards do love the children, so they protect the children. Trust me, I've held a conversation with every member of school staff that had a minute to stop in the hallway.
Well according to trump, he was at ground zero helping to clear the rubble and recover survivors of 9/11
i mean what if thers a school shooting and its people who hates trump…. will he still run in without a weapon
I imagine Trump stacking up students like sand bags to protect himself. #SelfPreservation
That guy that ran one other time remember? When he dodged the draft by getting a fake note from the doctor so that he wouldn't have to go to war is gonna jump in front of an AR-15 without a weapon? Trump? Okay.
You don’t know what you are talking about trump he is one tough boi ?