Does Banning Guns Stop Gun Violence?


Ben Shapiro explains to students at Creighton University why banning guns will not solve the gun violence problem.

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  1. alexvaas

    Mental illness is not a predictor of violence, a previous history of violence is.

  2. Nicholas Hoffman

    I'm surprised that this is in YouTube's "Spotlight On: Gun Violence" playlist

  3. Maxidyne786

    So, there's no problem at all?

  4. Voice of Truth

    Violence lives in people not objects.

  5. Liberals are traitors

    Banning liberals would.

  6. FMJPatriot

    But… but.. that bald headed militant feminist lesbian girl said guns are bad.

  7. James One
  8. jose miranda

    The NRA and Ben Shapiro will lead their followers to believe that the people want to STOP Gun sales all together and stop the 2nd amendment and that isnt the case, we need to control and enforce the way these guns are being sold, the nuts they are being sold too, the type of guns being sold and the age. People dont seem to know but the Republican party and the NRA is responsible for a majority of weapon sales to enemy countries and stronger regulations will slow this down and the NRA which cares only about money and not the safety of this country cares. These defenders of the 2 amendment are all NRA sheep defending gun sales nothing more.

  9. Christopher Davis

    Will banning cocaine halt its use?

  10. Chopper1

    Very well spoken


    This whole march for our lives thing is fucking stupid. Get a job you lazy millenials you have no idea what you are talking about.

  12. Atlantean

    More truth from Ben.

  13. Rhino IV

    I like how the leftists have to disable comments on their anti-gun videos because they get bombarded by smart people calling out their ignorance and low morals.

    But here's good ol' Ben, actually using his brains and logic, and the only people who can complain are those with invalid, emotion driven points, that are free from logic.

    Goes to show who is in the right, and who is in the wrong…

  14. Woogie Boogie

    Glad to see some people are still looking at this situation logically

  15. Jeff Redmond

    It's interesting how YouTube now has a featured section on gun control. I think they should also have a featured section on peoples rights and freedoms being stripped away one by one and how some people are trying to turn The United States into Nazi Germany, Seems like a relevant issue YouTube. what about the values that this country was built on and that so many have fought and died for, isn't that important? Shouldn't you cover the fact the red flag laws violate the 4th, 6th, and 2ed amendment? isn't it important to have a featured section on certain state and federal officials who are violating the constitution? ( on numerous issues, not just gun control ). Wait? you only want to promote what is sensationalized by the media? We should trade all of our freedoms, liberties and the values that have gotten the country this far for a false sense of safety? Oh okay….. I'm just going to ignore the ignorance. I know everyone is trying to do the right thing in the way that they consider to be the right way. But we have to remember that this is not Nazi Germany, This is not a police state. We must remember that this is a democracy where the whole needs to have unity in a decision in order to make changes for the country. Both sides have to stop trying to cram their ideals forcefully down the other sides throat. We cant forget the importance of freedoms and liberties. People are trying to make changes that only half of the country would be happy with. People can't keep hating each other for being liberal or conservative. We the people must maintain civility and work toward a productive relationship with each other if we hope to keep this country alive. I'm not denying that gun violence is an issue. But when you crate Ten more problems in order to stop One, is it really worth it? So many people die in car crashes, from disease, starvation, Etc. We will never be able to achieve perfect safety. We cant trade away freedom and values for a 1/1000 increase in safety in the grand scheme of things. When I speak of freedoms I am not just speaking of the 2ed amendment. I'm talking about all freedoms, Freedom of Speech, Religion, Due process. Etc. I love this country and its people. I love the ideals of this country and what we stand for. We can't ignore the wrong doings of our elected officials just because they appease our personal beliefs and desires. The democrats ignore their leaders wrong doings because they appease their desires. Republics ignore their leaders wrongdoings because they appease their desires, This is not okay. I'm not trying to sound like I'm on a soapbox, and I know I'm not going to make much of a difference to anyone through a YouTube comment. I just love this country and It makes make sad to see disunity and hatred among people. The only thing I can do is ask that people value the ideals that got this country as far as it has and try be decent to one another and try not to be so extreme.

  16. Pale Feather Valdez

    It's just like drugs, you can out law them, make them illegal, no matter what, they will always be available on the streets & people will always find a way to get them.  So this argument on guns is just so ridiculous & I cannot believe no one ever brings up the fact that it's just like drugs, you can't stop them or get rid of them….

  17. Scott Moore

    Thank you for this stance and explanation Ben. A good guy with a gun will end up protecting somebody, who wants a gun ban, from a bad guy.

    The bad guy doesn’t care and a gun ban won’t stop him. It will take an armed good guy to stop him.

  18. SuperNotGaming

    Dang YouTube actually put this on their spotlight.

  19. The Gaming Geek

    Another thing is you can ban all the guns and gun attachments possible but there will still be the black market…guns will always be made and always gotten one way or another you cant stop people from getting guns they will get this somehow if they really want to

  20. captain cock

    No Ben it's not gonna solve the problem but not doing anything about it is even worse! America is addicted to guns like they are addicted to their DRUGS and their money you can stop pointing your fingers at everyone else cause your ship's about to fckn sink into the center of the shithole!

  21. anshul mehta

    gun and an AR 15 may not be the same…ben shapiro is prejudiced

  22. Jesse Parry

    There are so many guns on the black market. Taking away our 2nd Amendment, the Right to Bear Arms is absurd. Look at Crystal Methamphetamine and Heroin. They both are illegal and hundreds of thousands of people access those drugs hourly. Bottom line is, it's 2018 and the power of the internet, social media, etc, has made Mother Earth a very crazy place.

  23. Tayder Macdunald

    Sweden also has the same rules and crime statistics as Finland

  24. uselessdata uselessdata

    Everyone should be required to own a gun..

  25. Lejend Dairy

    Notice how the people that want gun control tend to be the most safest people. I got a buddy in a bad part of Boston who carries illegally. He doesn't do so because he has bad intentions of using one. He does so because everybody has one. Not having one would make him an easy target for the bad. Take that into perspective.

    Instead of asking people who live safe lives about guns. Ask people who live in dangerous parts, or have been victims of crime. How are you going to ask somebody who lives in a gated community with armed security to lecture us on defense?

  26. Dr.Gavagai

    so why ppl made about mr kim have nuclear war heads? acturally , everybody should have it LOL~
