Guns for Hire- Afghanistan


GUNS FOR HIRE — AFGHANISTAN is a highly topical 46 min. documentary about the secretive world of private military companies.

One of the highlights of GUNS FOR HIRE — AFGHANISTAN is a unique interview in Kabul’s Polecharki jail with the infamous American prisoner Jack Idema — an ex Marine Special Forces soldier who turned rogue. Jack was hunting for Bin Ladin in the hope of winning the 2 million dollars U.S. award offered for Bin Laden’s head by the Bush Administration. Eventually, Afghan authorities arrested Idema on charges of kidnapping people and interrogating them in a private prison.

Date: November 2005
Location: Afghanistan
Distributor: Sky One (15 May 2006) — 46 min.
Credits: directed and filmed by Claudio von Planta
Reporter and Producer — Sam Kiley / Co-Director and Producer — Jim Foster
Editor — Olivia Baldwin / Production Company — Carbon HQ

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  1. Luke Dont know

    Most dangerous part is the Toyota

  2. Davey Bones

    Anyone know if Global is currently hiring?

  3. Davey Bones

    I worked alongside global in Baghdad. Top guys if you ask me. Lots of South Africans, Zims, Brits, and a handful of Fijians.

  4. michel angel

    If talibans pay more: what are these guy are going ??

  5. michel angel

    KILLER'S CONTRACTORS: The way for killing for money,

  6. Legend 28

    Training = senseless yelling at the base of a mountain! Gawd help whoever they may be protecting in the future!

  7. Justin Grant


  8. Gary Deisinger

    The pew pew pew sounds are amazing!

  9. killersushi99

    At 41:34 I think this guy is exactly where he needs to be. He seems like a crazy conman.

  10. killersushi99

    At 2:43 watch this guy shoot the ground in front of him. Let me just say this…I've been shooting various firearms since I was 9 years old. If you told me I'm about to head into a hostile situation with these guys I'm going to ask to stay at base and make coffee….Watching these guys made me nervous as hell.

  11. Low Lap

    I love companies who hire mid life crisis and special ppl

  12. Dr. Vincent H.V. Tran


  13. baron rodrigo

    Simpli-fi !

  14. Superdude70

    Cracked me up that Aussie 'Doctor' (of Chinese herbal medicines) offering Gynaecological services to prostitutes. He can't have been in Special Forces and properly medically trained. He said he 'Ran' a medical centre so is likely to have been a practise manager who dabbled in some quackery and now gets to do a Garry Glitter in the 3rd world pretending to be a doctor. Oh yeh, there was this car accident once! Lol. What about the shootings etc.? Fits perfectly with the rest of these muppets! Total Liability the lot of them. $250 a day, what a joke! Hardly a way to get rich. Maybe the bosses are by hiring these keyboard warriors to run around playing cowboys and Indians. Bang, bang you're dead! No Im not, you missed me. Your dead actually!

  15. ForcedFed4 Garage

    Afghanistan was fun

  16. Christian Scearce

    shoots the ground in front of him

  17. angel graham

    "i leave ed to his god and his guns…" REALLY??? what a cowardly thing to say behind a mans back.

  18. Steve Thome

    Fuck me! 2:43 good shot ya dumb fuck!

  19. Reel-Lentless

    Best thing on the first joke of a drill was the diesel 4 runner!!! $300 US a day WTF…even tax free is peanuts $600 a day tax free…would get my attention. Chinese "Dr" is a perv who plays Dr. in the sick sense of the phrase. Shooting pistols like they are taking a crap. Former cop left a 120k job to go over seas….yeah they did not say why he was an EX-COP. Only decent part was the guy who was sacrificed (they thought) by the politicians.

  20. IDontKnowWhatImDoing

    Pogs. All of them. Pogs

  21. Raymond Hamlett

    This was a shit show.

  22. W P

    Holy fuck that’s some scary shit. I really hope these guys got some actual training

  23. W P

    1:41 dude literally flags everyone in the truck

  24. commalTl

    That guy Jack that was in prison has a crazy af story and ended up dying of aids in 2012

  25. Drake Wiza

    John Idema is such a fucking phony twat.

  26. Thurein Tun

    I guess that rogue dude had doing man-on-man thinge in the prison, and he seem also got interests in this journalist guy lol

    But anyway the dudes scary as shit! I would never dare a chat sit with that dude. He seem off alittle bit up in the head, unstable and paranoid. Might also seem to have antisocial mindset to an extent but that's just a guess though. All around scary guy

  27. Logan MacNeil

    The fuck kinda dumbfuckery did I just watch?

  28. Sean Devlin

    I watched this up until "Ed".

  29. the5thprofession

    Whoa ! Check out 2:47 retreating PPA has weapon pointing directly at the driver as he enters vehicle.

  30. Sigi from dem dar Hillz mon

    Holy fuck the Chinese are in Afghanistan!!!!

  31. Ben Oorehek

    Teamkills are probbably frequent

  32. Lankey Bastard

    Western decadence? In an Afghan Chinese whore house? C'mon man, that's a fucking stretch.

  33. dogboy0912

    Most of these guys are blatant liars and have some illusions of grandeur that they never grew out of. They never did any of this stuff but wanted to all the way up into their 40s and have reinforced it in themselves that they're really cool and just need a shot. I looked up Jack Idema, the "green beret" that was in prison. He has a long record of being a piece of shit. His Army service consists of being a poor performer. His special forces experience amounts to being some pog attached to 11th SF group as a reservist. After that he had the gall to start running a consulting group that did training for military and LE, along with several other business ventures. He also committed fraud to the tune of $250,000, among other crimes. Guess he just couldn't reconcile the huge chip on his shoulder with the fact that he'd done fucking nothing with himself. I know a million grumpy hard asses like him, but at least most of those dudes avoid being straight up retards on the international stage. Credit where credit's due though. This guy lied his way and talked himself up for 30 years and made some serious money in the process, millions. God. That's fucking insane. He was basically running a vigilante group in Afghanistan and tricked people into giving him support, all off his fake credential and attitude.

  34. dogboy0912

    Damn I thought this was a mockumentary for a good 5 minutes or so. I've seen more organized and deliberate 12 years playing airsoft.

  35. Jesus with a Side of Fries

    I was looking for the band but I guess im watching this now.

  36. killerbob03

    These guys are straight garbage.

  37. Snake Charmed

    I came for the ak eye candy…

  38. Steveo Frontino

    He called the martini Henry a musket lol.

  39. Jack

    My god these guys are so dumb it's unbelievable someone would give a company like that a contract. There all old guys all worn out with mid life crises there total lack of security awareness is jus unbelievable I saw so many things that made me cringe.

  40. TheMarkbop

    these guys make paul blart look like rambo!

  41. George Morgan

    Love the guy sitting in a car at 37:18 pointing a striker fired pistol without safety catch at his thigh with finger on trigger. If the car hits a bump, he could turn himself into a eunuch. No need to wait for the Taliban to do it for him.

  42. legion2k

    GO GO GO GO GO.. Only on the last go did Tim understand that it was time to go..

  43. khan king

    But be careful if the pashtuns turn to your enemy then you got the biggest problem.

  44. mrcain

    When the firearms instructor keeps his finger rested on the trigger at all times…

  45. Scott McNamara

    The lack of firearm discipline and dexterity is laughable.

  46. Papa Steve

    At 25:32 the “reporter” asks the most sophomoric question ever. How a religious person can join an armed forces unit.
    Shite for brains, do you expect all police and military personnel to be atheist?
    What an idiot.

  47. David trueslayor

    When DR. China Medicine Man asks if anyone needs a doctor for woman problems .. you just know shes thinking 'man another freak wants to play doctor' , LOL.

  48. ron nguyen

    They all running eotecs lol
