USMC Recruit Training
by stew smith
if you are thinking about joining the usmc, you will have to pass the ist — initial strength test. the ist is a shortened version of the usmc pft; a recruit only has to do pull-ups, sit-ups, and a 1.5 mile run. you must pass this test prior to shipping out to boot camp.
the following are the minimum standards for passing the initial strength test are as follows:
male female
2 pull ups flexed arm hang — 12 seconds
44 sit ups (2 minutes) 44 sit ups (2 minutes)
1.5 mile run — 13:30 1 mile run — 10:30
the final pft
the above enlistment requirements are not the end of the marine corps fitness program. in fact to graduate from usmc recruit training you must be able to complete the usmc recruit training final pft, which is normally held during either week ten or eleven.
the final pft is conducted in green-on-green t-shirt and shorts, socks, and running shoes. the green-on-green sweat suit may be used in winter climates. gloves may also be worn.
the pft has three events — pull-ups (flexed-arm hang for females), abdominal crunches, and a 3-mile run. all pft events are conducted in a single session, not to exceed 2 hours in duration. movement of marines from one event to the next should allow adequate time to recover, stretch, and drink water.
this event is not timed, your score is determined by how many pull-ups you can complete before dropping off the bar. this event is male marines only.
flexed-arm hang
this event is timed, your score is based on how long you can hang maintaining elbow flexion. this event is for female marines.
abdominal crunches
your score is determined by the number of crunches you can do in the 2-minute time limit.
3-mile run
this event is timed, and your score is determined by how long it takes to complete the run.
in order to pass the semi-annual fitness test, you must perform the minimum acceptable performance requirements shown in the chart below. additionally, you must have enough overall points to meet the 3rd class fitness requirements.
fitness requirements for each pft event (males)
age pull-ups crunches 3-mile run
17-26 3 50 28:00
27-39 3 45 29:00
40-45 3 45 30:00
46+ 3 40 33:00
fitness requirements for each pft event (females)
age flexed-arm hang crunches 3-mile run
17-26 15 seconds 50 31:00
27-39 15 seconds 45 32:00
40-45 15 seconds 45 33:00
46+ 15 seconds 40 36:00
marine corps pft classification scores (both male and female)
class age 17-26 age 27-39 age 40-45 age 46+
1st 225 200 175 150
2nd 175 150 125 100
3rd 135 110 88 65
view the complete marine corps fitness score table.
many pt programs to train for the marine corps pft can be found in the following links:
— pullups / flexed arm hang
— pushups and sit-ups
— running
other marine corps fitness related links:
— the marine corps body composition program
— the marine corps fitness score charts
— the recon marine pft
— the marine corps weight charts
— the marine corps pft
stew smith is a former navy seal and fitness author certified as a strength and conditioning specialist (cscs) with the national strength and conditioning association. if you are interested in starting a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle — check out the fitness ebook store and the stew smith article archive at to contact stew with your comments and questions, e-mail him at