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Вообщем начиналось вдосталь просто искали мы 155 полк 96 гвар. стр.див.


Читал, я читал всякие источники… ну и вычитал…

Здесь же сражался единолично из арьергардов 18-й армии — два полка 5-й противодесантной бригады 55-го стрелкового корпуса и Новоодесский коммунистический батальон. Этот арьергард вокруг командованием майора Сальникова в боях у с.Христофоровка потерял убитыми и пропавшими без вести подле 300 воинов.

затем нашел это..

взял карту… (из венгерских источников) и задался вопросом, почему венгерская кавалерийская бригада по карте не пошла дальше Христофоровки сообразно карте… красным выделено круг гибели 85 венгров…

в венгерских источниках нашел вот такое… думаю переводить не надо? вообщем бла.. бла.. ударили, окружили, елееле не попали.. никоаев взяли… но потери от 50%-до 80% у венгров это у них же и написано!!! даже на 7 дневный отдых отсавили следовать Николаева… думаю, будто наши 2 армии в окружении, отступают.. а шествие венгров не такое уже и победоносное, который? ровно? и где?

over the next few days, the mobile corps sector was extended southwards along the bug river in order to free up the german 16th infantry division. on august 10th — 11th they were moved further south to the town of vosjatskoye and organized for a new battle. they were now tasked with capturing the town of nikolayev which lay further to their south at the confluence of the bug and ingul rivers. the mobile corps and two german units were now grouped under the name kampfgruppe kempf. the plan was for the mobile corps to advance south towards nikolayev while the two german units (leibstandarte-ss adolf hitler brigade & 16th panzer division) moved east across the ingul river and then south to cut off any retreat by soviet forces.

on august 12th the attack began. while the 1st cavalry brigade was held in reserve, the 1st and 2nd motorized brigades advanced southwards. but while the hungarians and germans had been organizing for the attack, soviet forces had reinforced their positions north of nikolayev. the hungarians were now facing about the equivalent of two full strength divisions which had time to dig in and lay down several large minefields. by early afternoon of the 12th the 1st motorized brigades’ attack has stalled and they withdrew about three miles to the town of suchoj jelanez. the soviets then immediately counterattacked several times but were beaten back each time. mean while on 1st motorized brigade’s right flank, the 2nd motorized had only managed to get as far as troyizkoye by dusk. on the brigade’s left flank, the german force had managed to cross the ingul river and advanced as far south as novo-georgiyevka.

the next day, august 13th, was not much better for the hungarians. the 2nd motorized did manage to take hill 91 near kasnemovka, but 1st motorized had to retreat back to its start line again at suchoj jelanez. german forces were having a much easier time and were able to advance down the east side of the ingul river just opposite nikolayev. on august 14th, the two hungarian motorized brigades attacked again and managed to advance a few more miles south. meanwhile the german force was now attacking nikolayev. realizing they would be trapped, the soviets began massing for a breakout over the ingul river. fortunately for the russians, the germans were spread out thinly along the east bank of the ingul. they were hard pressed to cover all of the crossings. so to help them out, the hungarian 1st cavalry brigade was sent south along the west bank of the river to help close the gap. on august 15th both hungarian motorized brigades continued to squeeze the encircled soviet forces towards the ingul river while the 1st cavalry brigade slowly advanced southwards trying to cut them off. that evening a determined attack by encircled soviet forces near the town of dantzig managed to force its way over the ingul river and through the thinly held german lines. portions of them managed to make good their escape.

over the next two days the hungarian and german forces captured nikolayev and fought the soviet rearguard trying to escape over the ingul river. it was during this time that the last real cavalry charge of the hungarian hussars took place on august 16th. major kalman mikecz, commander of the 4/ii hussar battalion, led the attack. as heavy weapons supported them, two cavalry companies personally led by major mikecz, charged towards the enemy trenches. the russians defenders were so shocked by this old fashion attack that they abandoned their positions. heavy fighting continued through the towns of ingulka and peresadovka as they collapsed back towards the river crossing at dantzig. by the end of the day both towns were taken and the encirclement ended.

from august 17th to the 24th the mobile corps was finally allowed to take a well deserved break. attrition had taken its toll. the losses in weapons and personnel ranged from 50% in some units to as high as 80% in others. the cavalry was down to 50%. even before this last battle, the mobile corps was down to 43 serviceable toldi i light tanks and 20 csaba armored cars. while replacement vehicles were finally being sent, they wouldn’t arrive until october 7th due to the overwhelmed german supply system using the converted russian railroads.

поехали в Христфоровку… спрашиваем, который тутто у вас? да так ниче, там венгерское кладбище, после войны и предварительно сих пор дети в футбол играют для нем… кто? что? стрелял по венграм? а там поза была 2 пулеметчика строчили, потом венгерская кавалерия проравлась, лошадь провалилась в блиндаж, они начали отходить.. венгры их и постреляли.. а ночью похоронили их рядом церкви двух бойцов… а вдобавок снайперы из того леса стреляли, они ушли… а почему решили, какой снайпера и почему чета? а они предварительно боем следовать число к нам заходили просили еды.. мы им навалили, а они говрят, куда нам столько нас то оба всего..

вообщем не больно мы поверили в снайперов… думали наверное одни пулеметчики настрочили венгров в плавнях…

написали письмо в венгерское полсльство, мол беспричинно и беспричинно.. дайте информацию по 155 полку (тоже арьрград 96 ГСД, с него то сполна ин началось), мол кроме словно вам с ними воевать некому было, акурат 2-я моторизовання бригада вашего мобильного корпуса.. дайте боевой журнал!!! мы вот такие хорошие ваших венгров обнаружили, сообразно их костям в футбол играют… ну а они взяли и приехали)))

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